Social impact assessment and economic impact assessment are often undertaken separately and employ specific methods but are complementary and quite often intermingled. An integrated approach can provide a comprehensive/cost effective outcome, providing information on potential economic impacts as well as important social values attached to the activity which inform likely attitudes/perceptions and responses to the proposed change. The involvement of some of the best managed MPAs of the Mediterranean will improve research and training on this fundamental aspect. The WP will ensure an integrated approach to social and economic impact assessment, providing information on potential economic impacts and important social values, and a toolkit for the integration of socio-economic aspects in the management of MPAs.
Key-elements central to the assessment and management of socio-economic issues are identified;
Standardised analysis tools for socio-economic issues that can apply to a wide array of Mediterranean MPAs are formalised;
Baseline about the socio-economic management of the involved MPAs is produced and available;
Standardised management tools referring to socio-economic issues that can apply to a wide array of Mediterranean MPAs are formalised.
4.1 - Community-based management (CBM) of Mediterranean MPAs: marine governance, social capital and participatory methods Supervisor:
Dr. Pedro Noguera (UMU, Spain) Objectives.
The aims of this project are: the exploration of the adequate institutional, social and legislative framework that can make MPA installation and management viable and efficient; to advance in the new management philosophy making the local user as a part of the resource management team, balancing rights and responsibilities, and working in a cooperative, rather than antagonistic or competitive, mode with other users and government managers (community-based management - CBM); the exploration of new modes for participation of local communities in MPA management.
Methods. Analysis of the social, institutional and legal processes to the implementation of an MPA, and their influence on its viability and future success (in ecological, economic, and social terms); selection of a set of best participative practices that can serve as a reference for MPAs from the perspective of CBM; development of improved methodological tools for the implementation of CBM of MPA; and (4) validation of the designed tools in a pilot site.