GFOSS Geographic Free/Open-Source Software GRASS and QGIS October 20-24, 2014 Genoa, Italy
Scope of the training event Starting from the basic knowledge, the course aims to provide the tools to effectively manage different typologies of spatial data through free available, multiplatform and open source Geographical Information Systems, like QGIS and GRASS. Topics will cover geomorphological analysis, geoprocessing, GeoWeb services, advanced methods of data interpolation, watershed analysis.Examples from marine dataset and MPAs management will be included. The course is opened to a wide audience but the next generation of MPAs managers and monitoring specialists in different fields are particularly welcome.
Participation is limited to maximum 20 very motivated people. No previous experience is required in GIS, but a certain familiarity with maps and positioning systems is appreciate. Each has to bring his/her own laptop computer, whatever operating system MacOS, Linux or Windows.
Bianca Federici, University of Genoa Roberto Marzocchi, Gter srl Innovazione in Geomatica, Gnss e Gis Tiziano Cosso, Gter srl Innovazione in Geomatica, Gnss e Gis Maria Federici, Gter srl Innovazione in Geomatica, Gnss e Gis
Optional argument: Lesson time: 9-13 / 14-18 Coffee break mid-morning and mid-afternoon
Tiziano Cosso
Roberta Fagandini
Bianca Federici is assistant professor in Geomatics at the Polytechnic School of Engineering of the Genoa University. She teaches Applied Geomatics and Numerical Cartography and GIS at the Genoa University and at professional courses. Her research concerns either monitoring of territory or structures through the integration of survey techniques (traditional, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), photogrammetric and laser scanner) and analysis of spatially distributed data with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and DataBase Management System (DBMS), for territory management.
Gter srl
Innovazione in Geomatica, Gnss e Gis 16152 Genova
The course costs € 500.00 (+VAT if due* = € 610.00) per person. This does not include travel costs, accommodation and meals.
* VAT exemption allowed only for European funding (ex art.72 d.p.r. 633/1972)
Payment should be made by bank transfer to:
Gter srl Innovazione in Geomatica,
Gnss e GIs
c/o Banca CARIGE spa
COD. ABI 06175
COD. CAB 01420
C/C 000002455580
IBAN IT62 O 06175 01420 000002455580
Registration deadline: 15th September, 2014 Cancellation deadline: 20th September, 2014
Gter secretariat (for technical issues and payments) Gter srl
Innovazione in Geomatica, Gnss e Gis E.mail formazione@gter.it
Accomodation suggestion Although the Gtr seat is in the suburbs, it is easily accessible from the center of Genoa with the metro stop "Brin". Therefore we suggest you find accommodation near the "Porto Antico", metro station "San Giorgio", where several opportunities for the dinner and enjoy the downtown can be found. Cheap accommodations here could be: Hotel Best Western Porto Antico Genova More information can be found at the followinf links Bus and Metro (https://www.google.it/maps/@44.4219196,8.9120273,15z)
For the course a the OsGeo Live Virtual Machine will be available and is strongly suggested for students who normally use Windows OS. References: http://live.osgeo.org/en/presentation/index.html#/