Full Partner 4 (DEH)


Department of Ecology and Hydrology, University of Murcia

The DEH marine ecology group deals with: biology/ecology of reef fish, environmental impact assessment of human activities on benthos/fishes, management of marine ecosystems. The Department of Applied Economy and the Department of Administrative Law will also cooperate on: local development, international cooperation, natural resources management, network analysis, participatory approaches and social capital, administrative organization, local administration, environment law, coastal and marine protection legal tools, administration and information technology and communication, oasis conservation, and water law. Research to promote a social change has also been integrated in the group, acting through several projects in Mexico and Cuba. University of Murcia has managed over 80 EU RTD projects.

Key competencies and facilities

Reef fish ecology; MPAs to monitor the effects of climate change; Disturbance and resilience in macrobenthos and fishes; Evolutionary ecology of marine and coastal lagoon populations; Community-based management of MPAs.

Key persons involved

Prof. Dr. José Antonio García Charton (reef fish ecology, disturbance, resilience, environmental management, MPAs); Prof. Dr. Ángel Pérez Ruzafa (benthic/fish ecology, environmental management, MPAs); Prof. Dr. Concepción Marcos Diego (ICZM); Prof. Dr. Pedro Noguera Méndez (development, social network analysis, social capital); Prof. Dr. Maria Semitiel García (network analysis, social capital, development); Prof. Maria Giménez Casalduero (marine environmental law and management, fisheries regulation); Sarah Elise Young (marine social scientist).

Previous training programs and research

The staff teaches at Murcia University. EC and international recent research projects include: ECOMARE (MAS3-CT97-0155), BIOMEX (QLRT-2001-00891), EMPAFISH (SSP-3-2005-006539), AMPAMED (Interreg 2006-2008), AquAgriS (FOOD-CT-2007-036298), ECOMERO Spain-Brazil (FBBVA-2009), CASOELVIZCAINO (AECID A/5826/06), ALTERAQUA (AECID C/012504/07, GRAMMA (AECID C/016966/08), CSOCIALYCC (AECID A/023726/09), FISHLARVEXP (AECID A/024758/09).


Prof. José Antonio García Charton

Departamento de Ecología e Hidrología, Universidad de Murcia
Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia (España)

T (+34) 868 888184 
F (+34) 868 883963

MMMPA - Training Network for Monitoring Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no.: 290056.

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