Full Partner 1 - coordinator (DiSVA-UNIVPM)
Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente Università Politecnica delle Marche
The Department of Science of Life and Environment (DiSVA) is a centre of scientific excellence at the Polytechnic University of Marche (UNIVPM) in the field of marine research, with particular emphasis on issues dealing marine biology and ecology. DiSVA covers a wide span of research areas, including Marine Botany and Zoology, Marine Biology and Ecology, Marine Microbiology, Reproduction, Developmental Biology, Genetic and Physiology of marine organisms, Marine Geology, Oceanography and Marine Chemistry. UNIVPM is a leading Research Unit of the Inter-University Consortium for Marine Science (CoNISMa), which is the largest marine research institution in Italy (composed of 30 Italian Universities). UNIVPM has participated over the last 15 years approximately 20 EU projects. Key competencies and facilities DISVA have a wide range of competence and facilities in a number of marine science discipline. In particular, the group of Zoology carry out researches in the following main topics,i) Biodiversity assessment on macrobenthos, ii) Climate change effects on benthic assemblages, iii) Autoecology of Porifera and Cnidaria, iv) Evaluations of antropogenic impacts, v) Biotic indexes. DiSVA facilities include a broad range of analytical equipment and all the laboratory facilities necessary to perform molecular, microbiological and biochemical analyses on marine samples. DiSVA has facilities for filed activities too, as a small research vessel (Actea) and equipment for scientific diving. Key persons involved Dr. C. Cerrano (Marine Zoologist, lecturer for the courses of Zoology and scientific diving methods), Dr. B. Calcinai (Marine Zoologist), Prof. R. Danovaro (Marine Ecologist). Previous training programs and research The researchers involved in marine environment have experience in Mediterranean, tropical, and polar regions. In the field, scientific diving for biological sampling, photo and video surveys, visual census, and manipulation experiments represents the main activities. In laboratory, inclusions for histological studies, histological analyses, cell culture, ethophysiological experiments, image analysis, morphometric analysis, statistical analyses are the main lines of activity. DISVAsuccessfully participate as project partner or lead partner to several international projects, such as VI FP (CORALZOO, REEFRES, MAP, HERMES, SESAME). The projects BIOFUN (EuroDEEP Programme, completed in 2010), HERMIONE (VII FP) funded by European Science Foundation will be completed in 2012. Contact:
- Università Politecnica delle Marche via Brecce Bianche, Monte Dago 60100 Ancona (Italy) Phone: +39 071 220 4651 e.mail: c.cerrano@univpm.it |