October 12-19, 2014 Observatoire
Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer,
Scope of the training event
TE3 was centred around fund rising (H2020, other EU-funding schemes, other
funding organisations), including how to prepare a successful proposal
taking due care of both scientific and trasversal aspects (eg ethics and
legal ones). This was linked to career development perspectives at
the end of the PhD. Finally, joint discussion sessions paved the way for
the definition of guidelines indications and best practices that will lead
to the release of final deliverables.
Université Nice
Sophia Antipolis, ECOMERS laboratory
Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS
Université Nice
Sophia Antipolis, ECOMERS laboratory
Université Nice
Sophia Antipolis, ECOMERS laboratory
Politecnica delle Marche
Associato Gaia s.n.c.

preliminary program in PDF

Mangialaio, Luisa
Mangialajo is a young researcher, associated professor at the ECOMERS
laboratory of the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (France), presently
in CNRS delegation at the Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche.
Her main research is focused on direct and indirect effects of human
impacts on coastal ecosystems and the implications for conservation. Her
studies allowed to highlight the sensitiveness of some structuring
species to the urbanization of the coastline and the consequent loss in
biodiversity, and to propose ecological indicators and restoration
techniques. She is also involved in the study of trophic relations and
interactions on benthic assemblages and emergent phenomenon in relation
with global and climate change (toxic benthic microalgae blooms). Author
of more than 30 publications on international journals, she is very
involved in coastal management at the European level and she had several
responsiblities at the european (coordinator of the Macroalgae working
group in the Mediterranean Geographic Intercalibration Group -MEDGIG-
for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive), national
(expert) and regional level (member of the Scientific Committee for the
Natural Heritage -CSRPN- sites in PACA Region, scientific referent for
Natura2000. She is also member of the directive committee of the French
Phycological Society and she is involved in several international and
national research projects.
Guidetti, Professor of Ecology at the University of Nice (France). Formerly (2007-2012), researcher in Zoology at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy). University degree 110/110 in Biological Sciences at the University of Genoa (Italy). PhD in 'Fundamental Ecology' at the University of Lecce (Italy). Visiting scientist in 2003 and 2004 at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UC San Diego, USA). Teaching courses on 'Fish Ecology', 'Fishery Biology and Management', and 'Marine Conservation' at Universities of Genoa and Lecce-Salento, and courses on 'Origin of Life' and 'Introduction to Ecology' at the University of Nice. Scientific responsible of more than 30 national and international projects on marine protected areas, with emphasis on conservation of fish assemblages and management of small-scale fisheries. Authors of 84 ISI papers published in international journals.
Milanese, Degree in Biology (2000), PhD in Environmental Marine Sciences (2004). In charge of project management and field activity supervision for Studio Associato Gaia snc (GAIA), involved in national and international research projects since 2000 including FP6 INTERMED and FP7 4SEAS, SPECIAL and MMMPA. Several scientific papers related to marine biology, ecology and ecosystem services. A diver since 1993, PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer since 2004, full boat license in 1997. Experienced as a professional diving instructor, dive guide, u/w videographer and environmental awareness promoter. Long standing experience in scientific u/w and field operations. Participation in the design and preparation of dissemination/outreach material (books, videos, CD-ROM and texts within diving journals) and events.
Cerrano, MMMPA project coordinator, Assistant Professor at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (DiSVA) at the Polytechnic University of
Marche. Author of about 250 scientific papers, and over 140 on peer-reviewed journals. Referee for 16 international journals with impact factor.
He is involved in several national and international projects, focusing on benthos ecology, not only in the Mediterranean basin but also in Antarctica and tropical regions.
Areas of interest - Autoecology and taxonomy of hard bottom zoobenthos, with particular reference to Porifera and Cnidaria. He studied the effects of sedimentation on sessile organisms, focusing on the uptake processes of sand. His results allowed to put in evidence a selective behaviour of incorporating organisms, leading to the definition of the biomineralogy, the science that takes in account the interactions between biological systems and minerals. Its scientific activity considers also the bioerosive processes and the study of life histories in relation to climate change.
He is lecturer for the following courses: Scientific Diving
Methodologies and Zoology.
Micheli, Professor of Biological Sciences at at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
Marine Community Ecology Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University. My research focuses on the processes and interactions shaping coastal marine communities and incorporating this understanding in the management and conservation of marine ecosystems. I am most interested in how disturbance and interactions between species underlie the organization, spatial variation, and temporal change in marine communities. In addition to addressing these basic ecological questions, my research seeks to apply community ecology to increase our understanding of human impacts on the marine environment and to design conservation and restoration strategies. Examples include quantifying the joint effects of fishing and climate change on marine ecosystems and incorporating our understanding of diversity patterns, species interactions, habitat-species linkages, and patterns of human use of natural resources in the design, management and evaluation of marine reserve networks and marine zoning.
Arianna Broggiato,
post doctoral researcher in law in the research unit on Biodiversity Governance (BIOGOV).
Arianna Broggiato holds LLM in Environmental Law (UK - Nottingham University) and PhD in International Law (Milano - Universita' degli Studi di Milano). She maily researched on law of the environment and law of the sea, with a special focus on the legal regimes of genetic resources. She had been working in the European Academy (EURAC Research) in Bolzano, Italy, from 2005 to 2008, mainly on sustainable development of mountain areas (Alps and the Carpathians) within EU projects. After finishing her PhD in 2010 she moved to Brussels for the stage in the European Commission, in DG MARE, and then she kept working on the reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy as Fisheries Policy Officer in the NGO European Bureau for Conservation and Development, before joining the Biogov Unit in November 2011, as post-doctoral researcher in law.
Srdjan Redzepagic,
Srdjan Redzepagic is the Research fellow and Professor of Economics, currently teach and realise his researches at the University Nice Sophia Antipolis. Specialist of European and international economy, he has also a great knowledge of the economies of the Western Balkans and has extensive experience in building, leading and managing European and international projects, such as those of the university scientific cooperation. Having published a big number of research papers, he has international reputation in the domain of research and realized publications.

Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer
The Observatoire Oceanologique de Villefranche (Villefranche-sur-Mer Marine Station) is a field campus of the Université Paris 6 in Villefranche-sur-Mer on the Côte d'Azur, France. It houses two research/teaching laboratories co-administered by the University of Paris 6 (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. The two laboratories are focused on Developmental Biology, and Oceanography. The facility traces it roots back a laboratory established in 1882 by Hermann Fol with the encouragement of Charles Darwin and continues to work to this day with organisms from the Bay of Villefranche Bay, including protists, ascidians, sea urchins and jellyfish.
and fees
registration (after pre-registration validation)
students: € 800.00 (accommodation included)
participants: € 300.00 (accommodation not included)
can be done by credit card after the registration.
Max 15
students. Registration opened until places available.
The representatives of the partners involved in the project meeting are not required to register but communicate the days of their presence and book their own
accommodation individually.
accomodation info
Villefranche sur Mer is located between Nice and the Principality of Monaco to about 5 km from the port of Nice. Access to Oceanographic Observatory of Villefranche sur Mer is:
by plane: airport Nice Côte d'Azur offers easy access to the city of Nice for many national and international destinations. Buses then permit access to the bus station in Nice.
by buses that connect regularly (every 15 minutes on average) the Nice bus station in Villefranche sur Mer (10 km)
by train: direct links between the station of Villefranche and Nice train station and major French and European cities.
by car: A8 at 9 km and the RN 98 (Basse Corniche) Monaco
accomodation for External